- Where do I get tickets for events at Chenery?
- Does Chenery have a lost and found?
- Can I take pictures during the performance?
- Can I bring my own food and drink into the auditorium?
- I'd like to bring my young kids with me. Are they allowed?
- What if I show up late?
- What if someone near me is being loud during the show?
Where do I get tickets for events at Chenery?
Does Chenery have a lost and found?
Can I take pictures during the performance?
Can I bring my own food and drink into the auditorium?
I'd like to bring my young kids with me. Are they allowed?
What if I show up late?
What if someone near me is being loud during the show?
Please contact us by phone at (269) 337-0424.
Interested in renting our space?
If you’re interested in renting our space, please contact Auditorium Manager Doug Blickle by phone at (269) 337-0424 or by email at blicklewd@kalamazoopublicschools.net.
Looking for us on a map?
Our address is 714 S. Westnedge Ave.
Parking is located behind the building and is accessible via both Vine St. and W. Dutton St. There is also street parking available surrounding the building.